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NACC Fundraiser 

NACC ( Nicotine, Alcohol, Cannabis,& Caffeine )  is an organization focused on helping people who suffer from critical addictions which are mainly alcohol, cannabis, caffeine, and nicotine. NACC  is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing addiction use disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations.

Our goal for NACC Fundraiser is to help fund money for those who can’t afford the help they need to fight their addictions. We strive to make sure all proceeds go to health organizations such as the American Cancer Society to help build more addiction centers to help people to overcome alcohol, cannabis, caffeine, and nicotine addiction. 


Alcoholism, often known as alcohol addiction, is characterized by a strong desire for alcohol and an inability to stop drinking despite the negative consequences. When the brain adapts its usual functioning due to the chemical changes caused by long-term alcohol use, an AUD develops. This leads to an addiction to the chemical. Drinking more than intended, failing to cease hazardous drinking behaviors, wanting more alcohol to feel the effects, having withdrawal symptoms when not drinking, and needing to drink interfering with obligations such as work or school are all signs of alcohol addiction. Some health effects of drinking alcohol include liver disease, high blood pressure, heart disease, stomach ulcers, and more. 


The health effects of marijuana are determined in large part by how it’s consumed. Pipes, bongs, paper-wrapped joints, blunts, and other devices that heat or evaporate marijuana are the most prevalent ways to smoke marijuana. Marijuana is available in a variety of forms, including e-cigarettes, sweets, brownies, and other baked goods, capsules, beverages, and many others. Smoking marijuana has the potential to disrupt not only the lungs and respiratory system, but also the immune system and the body’s ability to fight disease, particularly in people whose immune systems have already been weakened by immunosuppressive medicines or disorders like HIV infection. Aspergillus, a fungal that can cause lung problems, is another possible concern to persons with low immune systems. It can develop on marijuana, which exposes the lungs to the fungus when smoked.


People can quickly become addicted to coffee and other caffeinated beverages. This is because to the chemical alterations in the brain caused by long-term usage. Caffeine tolerance develops the same way it does with other drugs or alcohol if consumed on a daily basis. Caffeine addiction is determined by how the stimulant impacts an individual’s day-to-day performance instead of the levels of coffee used per day.  Caffeine addiction symptoms can include: Coffee is most often consumed in greater quantities or for a prolonged duration than was planned, repeated Caffeine use leading in an inability to satisfy significant role responsibilities at work, school, or home, and continuing Caffeine use despite repeated or reclusive symptoms.


Nicotine is largely obtained by inhaling tobacco cigarette smoke. Pipes and cigars are two other ways to smoke tobacco. Smokeless tobacco is inhaled as a powder through the nose or kept in the mouth. However, tobacco cigarettes and smokeless tobacco contain a variety of cancer-causing substances and other hazardous compounds in addition to nicotine. Tobacco has almost 4,000 compounds that have physical, emotional, and psychological consequences. Tobacco use has serious health consequences, including. Lung cancer, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and other diseases can result from smoking tobacco.

Why NACC Addiction Treatments?

NACC organization’s goal is to make sure people who suffer from addiction to any substance get the help they need. If you’re struggling with an addiction of any kind, don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help. All proceeds will go to many addiction facilities and organizations to help get people who need the help but can’t afford it.  

Consult your doctor or therapist to determine which therapy options are best for you or a loved one. The American Society of Addiction Medicine, the National Community of Drug Abuse, and the American College of Addiction Psychiatry are all good places to look for local information.

Addiction Treatment is Costly

Outpatient detox

The cost of outpatient detox ranges from $1,000 to $1,500. Detox is frequently included in the cost of an inpatient recovery program. The cost of a detox program is partly determined by the type of addiction being treated, in part because substances with potentially serious detox side effects necessitate close supervision.

Outpatient rehab

Outpatient treatment options are much less expensive than inpatient care for mild and moderate addictions. Many one-year outpatient treatment centers cost around $5,000, while some can cost up to $10,000. The final fee is determined in part by how many times and for how long a patient visits the center each week during the program.

Inpatient rehab

Inpatient recovery is more costly, with some clinics charging $20,000 for a 30-day program. If the patient requires 60 to 90 days of treatment, the total cost of the procedure could range from $12,000 to $60,000.

Post-rehab costs

The expenses of essential drugs can drastically increase the entire cost of therapy if treatment includes supplementary forms of medicine, which is frequent with alcohol and opiate addiction. A year of methadone treatment, for example, can cost around $5,000. Following the initial therapy, sessions with a psychiatrist, therapist, or support worker can add to the expenses.

How NACC Fundraiser will work

The goal budget for donation is about 1 million dollars.

Because we are a new start up non-profit organization we will first start out with letting in 25 beds for  women and 25 beds for men to our facilities per month. So that means 50 people per month. As our facility starts to grow we will then increase that number to higher then 50. Each person that comes in will be treated like they were at rehab clinic with good doctors to help them out. 

As a result, NACC is attempting to generate funds to assist persons who cannot afford addiction treatment in receiving it. To help deliver the earnings to NACC, the method is simpler than it appears. If you or someone you know is addicted to nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, or cannabis, call 1-800-NACC for more information on our treatment choices and fundraising opportunities that we will have in the future.

What are some of our goals?

Short term goals 

  • Need to figure out how much money we need to have 
  •     * to start we need about 1 million dollars ( hire staff, let people aware about this, social media marketing for this, solicit donors for the fundraiser)
  • Try to use gofundme to help make donations for people to know more about NACC fundraiser.
  • Identify people who need help with these issues, if other programs are not working for them they could try this ( find them at homeless shelters or other facilities ) 
  • the limit per month is 50 because we are new 
  • 25 bed for men 25 bed for women / Be productive in a small setting and then expand

Long Term Goals

  • Regular income must come in to help make NACC facilities going 
  • Apply for government grants for running the facilities 
  • Create an advisory board  that is made up of donors and professionals working in the facility : those are ( like a donor board to help make sure the program is known on what is supposed to be doing ) head doctor, head psychologist, philanthropist to help keep the facility going )

You can donate money to help people who need help for nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, and cannabis addictions at

Sources used:

“Alcohol Addiction And Abuse: Learn About Alcoholism.” Addiction Center, 18 April 2022, Accessed 2 May 2022.

“Caffeine Addiction And Abuse.” Addiction Center, 30 September 2021, Accessed 2 May 2022.

Raven, Kathleen. “Nicotine Addiction From Vaping Is a Bigger Problem Than Teens Realize.” Yale Medicine, 19 March 2019, Accessed 2 May 2022.

“Cost of Drug and Alcohol Rehab.” Addiction Center, 19 Apr. 2022,

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